We’re Here to Guide You Through Telecom Acronyms

Our Guide to Help You Understand Complex Telecom Acronyms

We realise that there are many telecom acronyms that our clients may be unfamiliar with. With this in mind, we have decided to create a guide that will help you with the acronyms across our industry so you can become more familiar with the technological jargon that we and other communication providers use on a regular basis.

ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
Standard copper broadband technology.
AoT: Advice of Transfer
Notification letter sent to customers during a voice service change.
AOMP: Advanced Order Management Process
Process improving customer satisfaction during project planning.
Appt: Appointment
Scheduled time for engineer visits to customer sites.
B2B: Business to Business
Trade between businesses, also involving systems interconnection and interfacing.
BAU: Business as Usual
Core or regular activities.
CA: (1) Customer Apparatus or (2) Customer Access
Equipment like PBX, routers, or engineer site access for visits.
CCCD: Customer Controlled Call Diversion
Allows customers to divert calls to another number, including mobile and international
CCD: Customer Committed Date
Agreed date for activating or installing an access order.
CDD: Contractual Delivery Date
The agreed date for service installation or delivery.
CLI: Calling Line Identity
Transmits a caller’s number to the recipient before the call is answered.
CL: Care Level
Service repair time standards; CL4 offers the fastest repair.
CMC: Customer Management Centre
Handles faults, issues, and complaints from customers.
CP: Communications Provider
Entity that provides communication services to end users or businesses.
CPE: Customer Premises Equipment
Equipment like routers or phones at the customer’s location.
CRD: Customer Required Date
Date by which a customer needs the service installed.
CRF: Customer Requirement Form
Document capturing customer-specific order details.
CSP: Customer Service Plan
A detailed plan outlining the service levels and support provided to a customer.
CSS: Customer Services System
Openreach’s computing system.
CUPID: Communications Provider ID
A unique number identifying each communications provider.
DACS: Digital Access Carrier System
A system allowing multiple subscribers over one copper pair.
DLM: Dynamic Line Management
System optimising line speed and stability based on real-time monitoring.
DMSU: Digital Main Switching Unit
Handles large call volumes at long-distance exchanges.
DNA: Disputed No Access
Dispute where Openreach claims no access, but the customer disagrees.
DN: Directory Number
A customer’s telephone number, which can be listed or kept private.
DNS: Domain Name System
Translates domain names to IP addresses.
DP: Distribution Point
A network termination point, typically on telegraph poles.
DSL: Digital Subscriber Line
A family of technologies for transmitting data over telephone lines.
DSLAM: Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
Device that connects DSL lines to a high-speed network backbone.
DS: Dialogue Service
Shows services available, such as reserving or viewing appointments.
DSO: Directors Services Office
Provides direct access for senior management-level issues.
DUNS ID: Dun & Bradstreet Universal Numbering Scheme
A nine-digit code identifying unique business operations.
ECC: Excess Construction Charges
Additional charges for extra infrastructure at a customer’s site.
EM: Early Morning
An appointment time between 07:00-08:00.
eMLC: Enhanced Managed Line Checker
Allows providers to check service availability on customer lines.
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
Expected time for engineer arrival at the customer’s site.
EU: End User
The final consumer or recipient of the product/service.
EV: Evening
An appointment time between 18:00-21:00.
FA: Flexible Appointment
Chargeable appointments outside standard business times.
FNF: Fault Not Found
Diagnostic term when a fault is not detected.
FTTC: Fibre to the Cabinet
Data services using fibre to the street cabinet and copper to the premises.
FTTP: Fibre to the Premises
Data services delivered completely over fibre optic cable to the premises.
G.DMT: G-series Discrete Multi-Tone [ITU-T]
A standard for ADSL using multitone modulation, dividing the frequency into multiple channels.
GEA: Generic Ethernet Access
Physical base connectivity through the Openreach network for delivering IP services like internet access.
HDF: Handover Distribution Frame
Terminates cables from the exchange for operator access.
HTT: Hold to Term
Charges applied if a service is cancelled within 12 months.
ICB: Inbound Call Barring
Lets you block incoming calls on a telecom system.
IMT: Incident Management Team
Handles incidents raised by customers.
IRC: Incomplete Reason Code
Code explaining incomplete orders or services.
JRO: Jumper Recovery Order
Process to remove jumpers left in place after flexible cease orders.
KCID: Keeping Customers Informed Delay
Message about delayed orders or faults
KCI: Keeping Customers Informed
Messages updating customers on orders or trouble reports.
KSU: Keep System Updated
Status update in systems.
LAD: Line Plant Availability Date
Date when all construction work is done, and service is ready for use.
LAN: Local Area Network
Network connecting computers in a limited area (e.g., office).
LIJs: Left in Jumpers
Process of leaving jumper wires in place at a distribution frame.
LIU: Line Isolation Unit
A device in telecom networks.
LLU: Local Loop Unbundling
Allows providers to offer full voice and broadband services without using Openreach’s network.
LPA: Line Plant Availability
Shows how many working lines are available to serve an address.
L2C: Lead to Cash
Provisioning process from initial contact to payment collection.
MCB: Main Circuit Breaker
Controls power circuits in electrical panels.
MDF: Main Distribution Frame
Point in the exchange connecting outside cables to equipment.
MBORC: Matters Beyond Our Reasonable Control
Conditions preventing timely provision or repair.
MFA: Migration Forecast and Allocation
Application used to forecast and allocate resources for customer migrations.
MI: Migration In
Process of migrating a line into the network.
MLC: Manage Line Characteristics
Access services version of the Broadband Availability Checker.
MLPA: Managed Line Plant Availability
Used for new service provisioning.
MPF: Metallic Path Facility
Local loop connection used for both broadband and voice services.
MRU: Maximum Receive Unit
The largest size of a data packet that can be received in one transaction.
MSO: Major Service Outage
Disruption affecting many customers.
NAD: Name & Address Database
Centralised location for contact details and services.
NAT: Network Address Translation
Remapping IP address space by modifying network address info in transit.
NAT: Network Addressing Team
Assists providers in matching addresses to their services.
NCP: Network Control Protocol
Protocol for negotiating and configuring network layer protocols.
NGA: Next Generation Access
Openreach’s program for future-proofing communication networks.
NLP: New Line Provides
Process of ordering a new network connection.
NPSC: Number Portability Service Centre
Handles the establishment of number portability between providers.
NSP: Non-Served Premises
Premises that are not classified as places where people work or live.
NTE5: Network Termination Equipment version 5
A type of Network Terminating Equipment (NTE) that acts as a copper termination
point in customer premises, connecting to the communication network.
NTTP: Network Test & Termination Point
Openreach’s last termination point before the customer’s equipment.
OCB: Outbound Call Barring
Prevents outgoing calls except emergency services.
OED: Operational Effective Date
The date billing starts and KCI3 is generated.
OHP: Openreach Handover Point
Breakout point for transport link and backhaul products.
OOH: Out of Hours
Service hours outside regular business times (e.g., weekends, evenings).
OTD: Order Target Date
The date aimed for service delivery.
PAF: Postcode & Address File
A list of UK addresses provided by Royal Mail.
PAP: Password Authentication Protocol
Simple user authentication using username and password.
PCP: Primary Cross-connection Point
Street cabinet connecting local distribution to the exchange.
PIR: Peak Information Rate
Actual sync speed a copper line can support.
PoH: Point of Handover
Place in the exchange where end-user data is handed over from Openreach to the
Communication Provider.
PoP: Point of Presence
A network access point where devices can connect to the internet.
PONR: Point of No Return
Provisioning stage beyond which cancellations aren’t possible.
PR: Prioritisation Rate
Temporary reduction of line speed to manage network congestion.
PSID: Product and Service Instance Identifier
Reference number for customer or circuit tracking.
PSU: Power Supply Unit
Supplies electrical power to devices.
QoS: Quality of Service
System of prioritising traffic to ensure some traffic gets higher service quality.
RADIUS: Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
Protocol for managing user authentication and accounting.
RID: Retailer ID
Identifier for communication providers placing orders.
RFS: Ready for Service
Date by which the service or equipment is expected to be fully operational.
RWT: Right When Tested
A line tests as functioning correctly during remote or on-site testing.
SAS: Stand Alone Survey
An independent survey request that is separate from any service provision.
SFFA: Superfast Fibre Access
The marketing term for Openreach’s fibre optic products.
SFI2: Special Fault Investigation 2
Enables chargeable visits to investigate faults and issues.
SFVA: Superfast Visit Assure
Chargeable engineering visit to investigate and fix customer issues
SIN: Suppliers’ Information Note
Provides product or service specifications and guidelines to suppliers.
SLA: Service Level Agreement
Outlines services provided, including scope and performance standards.
SLG: Service Level Guarantee
Compensation provided for service failures across products.
SMC: Service Management Centre
The face of Openreach for order placements or problem reporting.
SMPF: Shared Metallic Path Facility
Shared line for Digital Subscriber Line and telephony services over a copper path.
SSFP: Service Specific Front Plate
Component for filtering data and voice traffic at a master socket.
T2R: Trouble to Resolve
Process for fault reporting and repair.
TAM: Test Access Matrix
Device for testing issues in Digital Subscriber Line and telephone systems.
TPON: Telephony over Passive Optical Networks
Technology using fibre optic cable instead of copper for telephony.
TR: Trouble Report
Tracks the detection, reporting, and resolution of a problem.
TRC: Time Related Charges
Charges for engineer time when not covered by standard terms.
UDPRN / UPRN: Unique Delivery Point Reference Number / Unique Property
Reference Number Identifiers for individual properties and spatial addresses in Great Britain, used for efficient mail delivery and in various public and private sector applications.
USRN: Unique Street Reference Number
Unique number to identify streets in the UK

We are hoping that the introduction of this guide will provide you some insight into this information we use and will assist in making communication more clear throughout your time working with us. Openreach will also be a heavy user of terms such as the terms we provide in the document. Make sure to use our quick reference guide to streamline the IT support service we and others all over the country provide.


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